<h1><mark>Piling Note</mark></h1>
        <p><mark>List of codes 
        <p><mark>•	IS 2911 (Part 1/ Section 2): Code of practice for design & construction of Pile foundations. (Bored Cast in-situ piles)</p>
        <p><mark>•	IS 14593: Design & construction of bored Cast in-situ piles founded on Rocks.</p>
        <p><mark>•	IRC 78: Standard specifications & code of practice for Road Bridges.</p>
        <p><mark>•	IS 16172: Reinforcement couplers for Mechanical splices bars in Concrete-Specification.</p>
        <p><mark>•	IS 4082: Stacking and Storage of Construction Materials and Components at Site- Recommendations.</p>
        <h2><mark>Tolerances for Foundation Pile<mark></h2>
        <p><mark>•	Piles should not deviate more than 75 mm or D/6 whichever is less (75 mm or D/10 whichever is more in case of piles having diameter more than 600 mm) from their designed positions at the working level.</p>
        <p><mark>•	In the case of single pile under a column the positional deviation should not be more than 50 mm or D/6 whichever is less (100 mm in case of piles having diameter more than 600 mm).
        <p><mark>•	For vertical driven or bored cast-in-situ piles an angular deviation of 1.5 percent and for raker piles an angular deviation of 4.0 percent should not usually be exceeded except exceptional cases.
        <p><mark>•	cross-sectional dimensions = +50 mm, -10 mm
        <p><mark>•	Tilt = 1 in 150
        <p><mark>•	Pile top level = ± 25 mm.</p>
        <h2><mark>Bentonite Slurry for Piling<mark></h2>
        <p><mark>•Density of fresh bentonite slurry: 1.05-1.10 g/cc as per subsoil condition
        <p><mark>•Density of return bentonite for pile (boring only): below 1.12 g/cc
        <p><mark>•Marsh cone viscosity = 30 to 40 second 
        <p><mark>•pH value = 9.5 and 12 for bentonite slurry
        <p><mark>•The silt content: < 1% for fresh bentonite slurry
        <p><mark>•The sand content of return bentonite (boring only): below 2.5%.<p><mark>•Liquid limit of bentonite: > 400%.
Piling Note
<h1><mark>Cube Mould casting</mark></h1>
        <p><mark> •	Grade of concrete
        <p><mark> •	Structure ID
        <p><mark> •	Date of casting
Pier Note
Aggregate Note
Piling Note